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Final Project Report

January 8th, 2020

II. Table of Contents

  1. Table of content
  2. Background / Problem description
  3. Aims and benefits
  4. Problem Formulation
  5. Solution design
  6. Database Security
  7. Screenshots
  8. Link to Git, Demo Video and References 

II. Background & Problem description

Big campus like Bina Nusantara International of course has so many events. There are so many types of events as well, such as , music events, charity events, championship and many more.

Let us take an example on one of the biggest event on BINUS International, Fuse Experience. Fuse Experience is a music and art festival held by Binus International Music Club. This event sure attracts many audience, because of the big shot and upcoming top artists that are coming to this event such as Elephant Kind, Kunto Aji, and Sal Priadi and many more.Those big names capable of being a breakthrough for the event.

But after we sat down and talk with the committee, turns out that Fuse Experience does not have their own sites , where people can buy tickets online. They use third party sites such as Go-Tix and for selling their event ticket. Hence they don’t own their customer’s database and also the financial traffic.

III. Aims and benefits

As a big event, we are expecting Fuse to have a simple yet effective Event Ticketing system that can help the audience / customer to buy their tickets online. We intend to create a System and Database for Fuse, where it does not only help the audience to secure the ticket availability but also plays a very big role for the Fuse itself in terms of Customer Data , Ticketing, and Financial Management.

IV. Problem Formulation

Before we start executing the project, there are some tricky problems and obstacles that we had to face in order for this System runs just fine. These problems are not that easy to be solved because we didn’t have any experience in any of the problems that faced. Down below are the 6 main problems that we encountered before the making of this System : 

1.    What programming Language should be used ? There are multiple options of programming languages , but we have to pick the most suitable one for this project

2.    How should we design the database ? There are multiple ways to create a database for event ticketing, but we have to choose the best and suitable ways and design because this database will be later ( hopefully ) used by Fuse Experience.

3.    How the system flows or works ? We want the programme to be as ‘user friendly’ as possible, there are couple ways to visualize but we have to pick the most suitable one for this project.

V. Solution design

We decided to go with Website Application because Websites it’s the most universal platform in the universe, and its more convenient for the admin to manage the customer databases. The WebApp not only can be used by Customers ( Buying Event Ticket Online ) but also can be used by Admin to manage the Order History, monitor the Financial Traffic, and etc. 

1.    What programming Language should be used ? There are multiple options of programming languages but we decided to go with HTML for its Front End ( UI / UX ) and PHP for the communication between the websites and database. Database security is very important for Fuse Experience because it contains a lot of private information, that is why we go with PHP. People cannot inspect or see the code directly from websites, because PHP Codes are executed directly in the server, not in the websites.  

2.    How should we design the database ? We use My SQL Database for this project, and we have 11 Tables in total namely Address , Customer , Ticket_Detail , Ticket ,Bill , Payment , Payment_Type, Staff , Artist , Schedule and Position. Rest assured, this Database is already in a 3NFormat so all of the tables has been normalized. Down below Screen Shot of the ERD, along with the Relationships.     

** Screenshot of ERD and Relationships **

3.    How the system flows or works ? What’s good about this system, is the user / customer don’t have to register in order to buy their tickets, because after we pay attention to the behaviour of the customer who buys event ticket online, they tend to buy their ticket once , and they won’t open the sites anymore

       That’s why with the system that we designed, customers don’t have to sign up in order to buy a ticket, they just have to write their biodata, select their ticket class and quantity, their payment method, and that’s it.

VI. Database Security

Customers data are very important, not only for Fuse, but also for the customer itself. That’s why the security of the database is very important. We used 2 ways to protect the database from malicious hacker. 

The first attempt to secure the database is by creating an admin login page, where the admin who knows the user and password can login to the back End or the Customer  Data Storage. The credentials and passwords for the admin to login and stored in PHP file , where people can’t see the code directly from the website inspect or the database. The second attempt that we do to secure the database is by using PHP Language. As stated above, we use PHP for the communication between the websites and database. People cannot inspect or see the code directly from websites, because PHP Codes are executed directly in the server, not in the websites.  

VII. Screenshots

VIII. Link to Git, Demo Video and References

  1. Github
  • Demonstration Video

  • Database (.sql) Format

  • Big Thanks to Ivan Ezeutnofor helping us with ERD.

Team Member Contribution

January 7th, 2020

In this final project, i contributed and help my friend in designing the ERD along with the Relationships of the tables. I also coded the front end of the Web App using HTML , CSS and JavaScript .

Last but not least, i also coded the back end of thee web app , including taking data from Database , insert query and etc using PHP language to communicate between html and database.


December 3rd, 2019

Final Project Proposal

Fuse 2020 Music Event Database

Group         :
Fernandha Dzaky Saputra – 2201802922
Muhammad Fariz Sutedy – 2201811561
Yohanes Nugie Haryo – 2201840100

Semester   : 3

Class          : L3BC


In 2020, there will be a music event held by Binusian called Fuse Experience. Fuse is a music and art event that offers not just Local but also International Artists such as Rini, Sales and many more. The event will be held in Kuningan City , which can held more than 8000 ( eight-thousand ) people or crowd.

With that many audience, we can safely say that a proper database management is a must, in order to have a clean and safe storage of Customer’s Information. Fuse Experience does not only offer artists around the world, but also art , food and beverages, and many more.

For this final project we will solve this semi-complex problem for this Event using MySQL, not just the customer / audience’s database, art & food beverages database for Fuse will also be included in our Project. We will also create a simple event ticketing simulation web page, where the customer can buy a ticket, and the admin can see the detail reports of those buyers using our database.


The user who will be using and administer our database is the Finance and Sponsor Division from Fuse. We think that those data are important for them in order to secure a deal or sponsorship for the upcoming event. With well and clean build database, Sponsor can see clearly how big is the prospect of the event.



July 5th, 2019

For this final project, we created a game application called “Detention Room”. The set of the game takes a detention room, where there are 2 grounded Elementary Students being held in the detention room. They are incredibly bored in the detention room so they decided to throw papers to each other in order to cure their boredom.


July 5th, 2019



Team Members :

  1. Fernandha Dzaky Saputra – 2201802922
  2. Fauzan Athallah Arief – 2201798726


Screen Shots of Gameplay :




How To Play :

This game is a multiplayer game, so in order to play this game, 2 people are needed. When a player throws a paper and it hits another player, the thrower’s enemy health will reduce based on what kind of objects they are using. Players can choose whether they want to throw paper, chair or shoes. Each weapon can only be used once so once the player used the weapon, they cannot use it anymore. Once the health bar of one player is reduced to 0, the player will lose the game.


Available Player Controls :

  • Mouse for aiming
  • Space Bar for the 1st player power bar
  • Return Key for the 2nd player power bar
  • Mouse for weapon options

Contributions to the Project

My contribution to the final project that we created with Construct 2 is mainly the asset of the game. From image, background, until the Animation was created by myself using Adobe Photoshop. Some features such as power bar and health bar were also created by me.


Items we created by our self

  • Both 1st and 2nd player Sprites along with the animation


The items we did not create by our self

  • Background image


  • Obstacles


  • Weapons




June 17th, 2019


For this final project, we created this game using Construct 2. This game is a multiplayer game, so in order to play this game, 2 people are needed. When a player throws a paper and it hits another player, the thrower’s enemy health will reduce based on what kind of objects they are using. Players can choose whether they want to throw paper, chair or shoes. Each weapon can only be used once so once the player used the weapon, they cannot use it anymore. Once the health bar of one player is reduced to 0, the player will lose the game.

Here are the members :
1. Fernandha Dzaky Saputra – 2201802922
2. Fauzan Athallah – 2201798726

Hello Good People

April 26th, 2019

This blogspot is kid-friendly, I can assure, and you will be able to see the projects that I am working on through this blogspot. Furthermore, you will be able to see the about me page where I briefly explain a description about me and what I do. Alright, go ahead and explore my blogspot.